
We are glad to announce the first Phasing@Home event, an online meeting devoted to presenting ARCIMBOLDO, Phaser, SHELX and XDS software and their use in challenging phasing cases.

The event will be held online on the 13th and 14th of July. Talks will be streamed via Zoom and interaction among speakers and participants will be through a Discord server.


  • Claudia Millán
  • Massimo Sammito

Confirmed speakers and members of the teams

  • Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC): Isabel Usón, Claudia Millán, Ana Medina, Iracema Caballero, Elisabet Jimenez, Albert Castellví, Giovanna Petrillo, Josep Triviño.
  • Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR): Randy Read, Airlie McCoy, Rob Oeffner, Kaushik Hatti, Massimo Sammito, Tristan Croll.
  • University of Konstanz: Kay Diederichs.
  • University of Goettingen: George Sheldrick.
  • Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP): Rafael Borges.


The meeting will be hosted via Zoom and is free of charge but you will need to pre-register here:

Schedule (CEST)

Monday 13th July

  • 15:00 h Welcome and introduction (Claudia Millán and Massimo Sammito) (30m)
  • 15:30 h Practical data processing with XDS (Kay Diederichs) (30m)
  • 16:00 h Practical data analysis and corrections within Phaser (Airlie McCoy) (30m)
  • 16:30 h Coffee break (30m)
  • 17:00 h Assessing the quality of data and models for MR with eLLG (Rob Oeffner) (15m)
  • 17:15 h Practical MR for challenging cases with Phaser (Randy Read) (30m)
  • 17:45 h Practical density modification and autotracing in SHELXE (Isabel Usón) (20m)
  • 18:05 h Using ARCIMBOLDO_LITE for phasing with helical models (Iracema Caballero) (15m)

Tuesday 14th July

  • 15:00 h Structural bioinformatics with ALEPH (Massimo Sammito) (15m)
  • 15:15 h Using ARCIMBOLDO_BORGES for phasing with local fold libraries (Ana Medina) (15m)
  • 15:30 h Using ARCIMBOLDO_SHREDDER for phasing with distant homologs (Claudia Millán) (15m)
  • 15:45 h Using ALIXE to recognise, complete and enhance partial phasing solutions. (Elisabet Jimenez) (15m)
  • 16:00 h Practical SHELXC-D-E for challenging cases (Rafael Borges) (20m)
  • 16:20 h Practical MR-SAD in Phaser (Kaushik Hatti) (15m)
  • 16:35 h Coffee break (25m)
  • 17:00 h MR Clinic
    • Discussion of possible strategies to tackle cases provided by the participants and by the speakers
    • FAQ about the phasing approaches followed by the programs presented
  • 19:00 h End